So, What does AM stand for? Some of you might think I am talking about the morning (Before Midday), No, but if that helps you remember what I am talking about here, that's great. AM to me stands for "Attitude Matters". It is all about your attitude and for you to know that your attitude matters.
Have you ever tried to do something that you don't really want to do and your attitude towards it is not as good as it should be? Well, here is the problem, when you go into doing something with a bad attitude, you are most likely to do a terrible job with it and on top of that, you will drag other people who have a good attitude about the same thing down.
This happens a lot in ministry when we are asked to do something for the glory of our God, but we have a terrible attitude towards it. What we neglect to understand is that if you are doing something for God, and you are doing it with a bad attitude, you might as well stop and not do it, because what God cares about is not what you do, but where your heart is with the thing that you are doing. Remember, that God doesn't need you to do something for Him, He has simply given you the privilege to have a part in His plan. Don't deceive yourself, because the reality is that you can't really lead people to follow God, if you are not with Him at that moment.
So next time when you try to do something (regardless of what it is) stop and think about AM. In the morning when you get up and you look at the time, on your computer or your phone and you see the time next to the letters AM, remember that at that time your attitude matters!
Do all things without grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, "Philippians 2:14-15"
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