Friday, December 11, 2015

Can you be the Answer?

Today, at a quick store, I was reminded by a lady of how much the world looks at us as Christians and hopes that we have the answer to the brokenness of this world, yet so very often we disappointe the people around us by living as hypocrites and using God as the means of justification for our own mistakes. She told me of how the Christians in her life have only deceived her, lied to her, committed adultery, cheated, etc. yet they have rarely failed in bringing judgment to others and her who could really use God in their lives.

All I could say was, I am sorry an I gave her a hug. For I know that I have been that person myself many times. I also told her that we as Christians, should imitate Christ, but we usually fail. Our goal however, should always be to truly represent Him.

I pray to God to help me and you to not be hypocrites, but rather genuine followers of Christ who show this world the true character of Jesus.