Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Freedom Defined

Freedom Defined

Do you ever wonder about what freedom really is or means? Many think that freedom is the ability to say or do what you want, in fact the dictionary defines freedom as, “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint”. But is freedom really that simple? If this is really the definition of freedom, then in my opinion no one is really free!!!! I look around and I observe people who claim to be free, yet it seems to me that they are more in bondage than those who don’t live in a “free country”.

I believe that there are two kinds of freedom! A false kind which the culture and the world teaches us, and a true freedom that only comes from God.

So what is true freedom you ask?
  • Freedom is respecting the price that was paid (in my case remembering the sacrifice of Christ on the cross)
  • Freedom is the recognition of your weaknesses and taking actions before you are enslaved by them
  • Freedom is not the ability to say what you want, but the ability to build people up whit what you say
  • Freedom is not the capability of doing what you wish, but it is the ability to make a difference and leave a legacy behind
  • Freedom is knowing that hatred for others is a bondage on its own
  • Freedom is the acceptance of differences, while not participating in evil
  • And most importantly, freedom is the realization of boundaries

In my opinion, there is also another idea which I personally call the Absolute Freedom. Though many of us think we are free to say and do what we want, or practice any religion, yet no one on earth has absolute freedom. What I mean is this, even those who think they live in a free country are still under the authority of the laws of that country. Break the law and you will have to face the consequences. So if freedom is defined to be as “acting as you wants”, does it mean that you can drive 25 miles over the speed limit without being pooled over by a cop and having to get a ticket or going to jail? So, you are only free if you are within the premiers of the law and therefore that means you do not really have what I call the absolute freedom.

Now, the Bible says in John 8:36 “So if the Son (Jesus) sets you free, you will be free indeed.” In my understanding of God’s love, true and absolute freedom comes from faith in Jesus Christ and nowhere else. Don’t get me wrong, as long as you are alive on this earth you will never experience absolute freedom, but if you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and you follow His ways, then you will not only get a glimpse of peace and true freedom, but you also have secured your eternal destiny in a place where absolute freedom is the only freedom mankind will ever know.